Cambridge Healthtech Training Seminars offer real-life case studies, problems encountered and solutions applied, and extensive coverage of the basic science underlying each topic. Experienced Training Seminar instructors offer a mix of formal lectures,
interactive discussions and activities to help attendees maximize their learning experiences. These immersive trainings will be of value to scientists from industry and academic research groups who are entering new fields – and to those working
in supporting roles that will benefit from an in-depth briefing on a specific aspect of the industry.
TS1A: Introductory Immunology for Autoimmune and Cancer Drug Discovery
The Westin Copley Place | Boston, MA
Tuesday, June 19 - Wednesday, June 20
Day 1: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm | Day 2: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Tim Bauler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Tom Sundberg, PhD, Senior Research Scientist I, Center for the Development of Therapeutics, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
This 1.5-day training seminar will provide an introduction to human immunology for discovery pharmacologists, biologists and chemists working in the biopharmaceutical industry on inflammation, autoimmune, or immuno-oncology programs. This training seminar
will focus on how the immune system is organized and gives rise to both normal and pathogenic immune responses. This overview will also serve as a basis for discussions of how the immune system can be modulated through biopharmaceutical intervention
to either suppress pathogenic inflammation or enhance anti-tumor immunity.
Topics to be Covered in the Seminar:
1. Organization of the immune system
2. Pathogen recognition by innate immune cells
3. Antigen generation,
capture, and presentation to lymphocytes
4. Effector mechanisms of T cell responses
5. Antibody generation and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity
6. Molecular basis of pathogenic immune responses
7. Protein-based immunomodulatory therapies
8. Basic principles of immune-oncology (e.g., checkpoint blockade)
9. Targeting immune processes with small molecules
10. Role of host-microbe
interactions in shaping the immune system
Instructor Biographies:
Tim Bauler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Tim Bauler is a full-time medical educator who teaches immunology and infectious disease in an integrated curriculum combining basic science with clinical applications. Tim received a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of
Michigan after studying the role of protein tyrosine phosphatases in regulating proximal T cell signal transduction. His postdoctoral fellowship at Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH, focused on the innate immune response to intracellular
bacterial pathogens, including Salmonella typhimurium and highly virulent Francisella tularensis which must be studied under Biosafety Level 3 containment.
Tom Sundberg, PhD, Senior Research Scientist I, Center for the Development of Therapeutics, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Tom Sundberg has expertise in chemical biology and translational immunology in the Center for Development of Therapeutics at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. The focus of his work at CDoT is developing approaches to enhance anti-inflammatory
functions of immune cells. As part of these efforts, he serves as a project lead for a collaboration with a biopharmaceutical industry partner developing first-in-class therapies for autoimmune/auto-inflammatory disorders. Tom received a PhD in
chemical biology from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and upon its completion in 2010 was awarded the American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University; in the course of the fellowship, he studied new chemical biology
approaches to targeted protein degradation.
Training Seminar Information
Each CHI Training Seminar offers 1.5 days of instruction with start and stop times for each day shown above and on the Event-at-a-Glance published in the onsite Program & Event Guide. Training Seminars will include morning and afternoon refreshment
breaks, as applicable, and lunch will be provided to all registered attendees on the full day of the class.
Each person registered specifically for the training seminar will be provided with a hard copy handbook for the seminar in which they are registered. A limited number of additional handbooks will be available for other delegates who wish to attend
the seminar, but after these have been distributed, no additional books will be available.
Though CHI encourages track hopping between conference programs, we ask that Training Seminars not be disturbed once they have begun. In the interest of maintaining the highest quality learning environment for Training Seminar attendees, and because
Seminars are conducted differently than conference programming, we ask that attendees commit to attending the entire program, and not engage in track hopping, as to not disturb the hands-on style instruction being offered to the other participants.